The Forge 12.21.2011

Christmas is right around the corner, and there's plenty of interesting Christmas posts floating around the ether.  Mystagogy has as an interesting set of links regarding the phrase "there is no room at the inn".  This has become a standard Christmas theme especially in plays, cards, and TV movies, but the meaning may be different than you think.

A good friend and fellow blogger Rick Mansfield posted a Christmas quiz that he used in his Sunday School class.  Check it out and see if your Biblical Christmas knowledge is as good as you think it is.  Christmas Quiz.

Here's a great Christmas post by a fellow St. Michael blogger, that has some great resources for celebrating Christmas with the kiddos, information about the Nativity Fast, and how to prepare for the coming birth of the King.  

Evlogia has been crafting a series of posts on the Jesse Tree that are wonderful to read.  The Jesse Tree follows the Old Testament path to the birth of Christ.  This is such a brilliant set of post, it would make for a great blog project next year.  Bloggers could sign up for one or two of the branches and post their reflection.  (hint, hint, Melinda Johnson).  

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