Priests, Prayer, and Purple Demons

Lent is upon us, and strange things will begin happening. The purple demons of Lent come out in force. How can you tell the purple ones have arrived? You have trouble making it to church, meat is everywhere you look, you miss morning prayer when the alarm clock mysteriously stops working, church politics gets crazy. You've seen it. Lent is a battle, and knowing this should us fight.

Those who feel the brunt of Lent are often our clergy. Their workload is increased due to the increased number of services. The pressures of ministry are concentrated. While we should prayer for our clergy throughout the year, during Lent there is an urgency of prayer for them. One of their main jobs is to equip us, the laity, for the work of the ministry. For this we should offer thanks and prayers, especially during this intensive period of the year.

Here is a prayer taken from the Antiochian Little Red Book:


O Lord Jesus Christ, enkindle the hearts of all thy Priests with the fire of zealous love for thee, that they may ever seek thy glory; Give them strength that they may labor unceasingly in thine earthly vineyard for the salvation of our souls and the glory of thine all-honorable and majestic Name: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


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