
Showing posts from June, 2011

Orthodox Ministry Innovation

Orthodoxy is probably never associated with creativity and innovation. A hallmark of Orthodoxy is to resist novelty in doctrine, because we are " should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 3)." Yet in ministry there have been time of great creativity in the Church. Last night during a meeting at church, I was introduced to several Orthodox parishes that are building successful schools. I was impressed not only by their ability to create a school, but the innovative and creative way they did it. These churches are examples of ways of doing ministry that are crucial right now. Here's a video of their vision and ministry: Question: What are parishes doing that are creative and innovative in spreading the Gospel?

My Kid's Entertainment Diet

I love to go to the movies. I love to go to the movies with my kids. I still enjoy a good animated flick or adventure movie. But I always worry about exposing my kids to something that is not age-appropriate or worse. Previews are not always a good indicator of questionable content. Previews are designed to sell the movie to you. We think it's important to monitor our child's food intake so that they get proper nutrition and not junk. In the same way, we want to monitor the food that enters their heart and minds. So what do you do to insure their entertainment diet is not feeding them junk food or poison? Sometimes I rely on trusted friends and families. Recently my brother went to see the new X-Men movie. We were both excited about it, and thought of eventually taking our kids. He called me after the viewing and sent off warning flares for me to stay away with the kids. This was surprising because it seems to be marketed as a safe movie for older kids and pre-teens

May Blog Post Winners

One of the interesting facts about blogging is trying to figure why some posts do well and some don't. Sometimes when I finish one, I think based on the content and title that it will generate a lot of traffic. I am wrong more than I am right. Here's my top five for May: 1. Track 1 - Deliverance 2. The Most Interesting Man in the World 3. Give to Those Who Don't Deserve 4. Egyptian Christians - the next Darfur? 5. Acts 7 - Stephen's Sermon & Martyrdom The number one post continues to hit as number one every week, even though I wrote it back in March. Number 5 was written in 2008 and continues to score well. Thanks to everyone who reads and follows . Please subscribe, forward, and comment. My goal is to post twice a week, and I will continue the Biblical soundtrack posts shortly as well as Ministry in America. As the book gets closer to publishing more information will be forthcoming as well as a contest. Also I open to guest posting, so if you would l